Volunteer Hours
Each gardener is obligated to volunteer three hours of time for their first plot and one extra hour for each additional plot. Often this time can be earned by attending Community Garden Work Days during the year. For folks who can't attend Work Days, there will be other opportunities to work toward meeting the volunteer hours obligation. Below are tasks that can be worked on. These tasks can be worked on from now until the end of the season. There’s no need in advance to let us know which task you plan to work on. If you plan on performing a task, and it’s already been completed when you arrive at the Garden, choose another task to work on. If you work on a task, please let us know what task you’ve worked on and for how long so that our records can be updated.
Please work on the below tasks before working on any other tasks.
Volunteer tasks:
Pull weeds from center gravel path
Weed whack or use shears (located in corn crib) to trim outside perimeter of the fence and around corn crib and shed​
Pull weeds from and water plants in raised bed #2
Using zip ties found in the rear of the corn crib, reattach the top and bottoms halves of the fencing where they have come apart.